Saturday 29 March 2008

Announcement (30 March)

Hi everyone!

This msg goes to all j1 and j2. Even though its I&E day on wednesday, there will still be practice after I&E day from 3pm - 5:30pm. J2 will be in LT4 while J1 will be in LT2. You should have sufficient time for your lunch cos I&E day ends at 2:10pm. Please be punctual for practice. You will have no reason why u will be late for practice since this announcement is posted here since sunday. :)

And rmb to bring along $30 bucks for J2 + J1 performers and $12 bucks for J1 members for the concert tickets.

And those who have not pay for the harmoc camp, please bring along $5.50 (for those who attended the camp for 1 day) and $7 (for those who attended the camp for 2 days).

I hope the info is clear so see ya on wednesday and rmb to practice ur harmoc everyday!

Additional info to j1s: we will kick off our exco selection process during this practice. so pls attend cos we will provide impt info for you.

thomas :)

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