Tuesday 21 August 2007

bonding camp and farewell party

i'm so sorry people! this lousy (or irresponsible blog admin.) is kind of busy for the past few weeks (ahha, excuses!). Alright, i have uploaded the photos onto the blog. Actually there isn't really a lot, but at least there are some right! The organising committee for these 2 events would really like to thank all the harmoc members for being so enthu during the events, without you guys, it's simply impossible for this event to be held sucessfully. Thank you!

Oh yes, if anyone of you have photos for these events, please email to ajharmonica@yahoo.com.sg. At least we can share more photos with the band.

photo-sharing mihi solum!

                                    Alright, i hope you all have enjoyed the photos! Please tag ok!

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